Living To The Utmost

Keep It Simple And Live It

In Living Life by LivingToTheUtmost

So what is this all about?

So what is this all about? The basis of this site is to live life in a simple way and do it with everything you got. Focusing on seeking out the things in life that actually are worth something, those great things in life that we all seem to want but never seek. To put in the hard work to achieve more than what leaves you feeling empty. To pursue those things in life which make you want to wake up in the morning. To focus on living life, not surviving it.

Keep It Simple

I hope this helps to get you thinking about the things in life which we simply overlook. To try and live life to its brim, its fullest, to the utmost. I believe that one of the greatest mistakes a person can make, is not to try and truly live life. We tend to make things overly complicated in our day to day lives. When all we really need to do is “keep it simple”. Life itself, in all its meanings is breathtaking and astounding. To miss out on this is truly sad. So in the end, to truly live…well is that not a great goal to seek after?

Nothing Should Be Off Limits

There is no topic off limits in life when it comes to living it, but certain topics hold more value than others. As to which ones these are, I hope we find out. I have always highly regarded the classical ideal of the Renaissance Man( Fun Fact: Also known as a Polymath) and have tried to live in a way which embodies it. From studying the areas of math and science, to the desires of the arts. And of course there are many more in between these areas, so many more.

And I Mean Nothing

Some may try to separate areas such as different philosophies and faith from life because they cause to many problems. But this is not the fault of the topics, but those discussing the topics. For a topic itself can not be the cause of disagreement but the view on the topic. I believe that both of these topics play an important role in living life. I am a Bible believing Christian and in the true sense of tolerance don’t hold it against me. I hope you stick it out and see what happens. I am not looking to change what you believe, but I am also not going to hide what I believe. I don’t think you can go through life trying to truly live and not come across these paths a couple dozen times.

Hopefully if you are reading this, you will come back for the next one. And as you go from day to day, remember in life to keep it simple and live it.
