Living To The Utmost

Far From Version 1.0.0

In Living Life by LivingToTheUtmost

Commercialized Improvement

Self-improvement has become another commercialized product. Something which people try to obtain on the weekends and prioritize in the same category as trying to get those elusive 6-pack abs. Most view self-improvement as a positive in life but not as a priority. We have simply lost sight of one of the greatest endeavors in life that a person can seek out. Becoming the greatest version of You!

Click The Update

We have all clicked the update button on those annoying pop-windows, that fill your already cluttered computer screen, and just don’t seem to understand the meaning of the ten previous no’s. The purpose of each one of these updates is to improve certain areas of the program, which were lacking, and to create an overall better program in the end.

Each one of these programs starts at the version number 1.0.0. This represents the absolute first version of the program before any revisions have been made.  There are two types of revisions, major and minor. The farther the version is from 1.0.0 the better it should be. In our lives we should strive to be far from 1.0.0. Even if it means changing the smallest things in our lives. There will be times where a major improvement in life has been made, but this usually comes with the adding on of all those minor improvements. It is important to remember that version 1.0.1 is closer to 2.0.0 than 1.0.0 will ever be.

Every Starts At 1.0.0

No one is born as their greatest self. Rather each and every person must put in the necessary work to become it. So often we look at those we admire as if they had an easier road in becoming who they are, but this is absolutely untrue, and most likely just the opposite. Throughout history, those who are admired from generation to generation, have endured hardships that seemed unbeatable.

Theodore Roosevelt was an extremely sickly child, Abraham Lincoln lost 8 elections in his political career on his way to the presidency, Henry Ford was left broke five times on his was to starting Ford motor company, Albert Einstein was thought to be mentally handicapped as a child and was even refused admittance into Zurich Polytechnic School. I don’t think you can find a story of greatness that simply started out as greatness. Greatness comes with a focus upon what we want to become and the perseverance to overcome all that stands in our way.

The above picture is of a bookmark I bought a couple weeks back, with a quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson, which strongly embodies the heart of this post.

“Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you.”

We must make it our own responsibility to become the greatest version of ourselves. And like most things worthwhile in life, you simply are not born with it.

Disclaimer: There is actually beta versions for programs which might start at numbers like 0.9.0, but since my reading demographic does not include many unborn children I decided to start at 1.0.0.


Life, keep it simple and live it


Sources: The Famous Who Have Failed