Hopes light

Hope, Never Let It Go

In Living Life by LivingToTheUtmost


“Hope is what we crave, and that will never change”. This is a lyric from a song titled Crave by For King & Country. I believe that it embraces what each human being longs for each and every day, and what we cannot live without.

The Darkest Place

When you are filled with the hope that your dreams, aspirations, and desires will come true, life seems to overflow with joy and happiness. But when dark times surround life and it seems like hope has been hidden in the shadows. I believe that it reigns true, that there is simply no darker place than a soul without hope. Despite the darkness, we must always remember that even in the darkest places, there is always room for hope.

It Still Shines Through

Each one of us holds on to certain hopes which give us the ability to live, despite our bad circumstances and hard times. We must hold on to these hopes, which make our future shine brighter than our present, because sometimes what the present holds is just too hard to bear. Hope is what brings us through the hard times in life when there is nothing else to turn to, but simply hope itself. Without having the hope of our lives getting better, the darkest times would remain dark. But hope has shown that it can shine through, through the hardest of circumstances and the darkest of times.

We All Need It

History has shown how people, who had no reason to hope, were still able to hold on to hope despite all the darkness and struggles faced. Through all the pain and suffering endured. There is no place too far where hope cannot travel, or darkness too dark where hope’s light cannot reach. The reason why hope can be kept in our darkest moments, is because hope is so much stronger than ourselves and our circumstances. It is so much greater than our thoughts, and is simply kept alive, deep within ourselves.

I Will Always Have Hope

As for me, when life seems to have taken everything I have, I hold onto my hope and where it truly lies. Psalms 71:14 simply reminds me that “But as for me, I will always have hope”. This hope of mine is found in my savior Jesus Christ, and there is no circumstance or happening in life that can take that away from me.

Never Let It Go

We all long for our lasting hopes to one day be fulfilled in our lives. But in life, when our darkest moments fall upon us, and the smallest of hopes are hard to see. There is one thing that we can hold onto, and which only we can give up. That is hope in its purest form, which is a light that will never go out as long as we remember to never let it go.

Life, keep it simple and live it
