Life is more than a convenience store

Life Is More Than A Convenience Store

In Living Life by LivingToTheUtmost

Just A Convenient Comfort

Life has become a convenience store for most. Each day we walk among the things which we are simply living to buy, but these things usually only result in a feeling in us of “barely survive”.

Now when we think of taking a risk, we so often think of the so called “big” risks which carry along the possibility of losing major amenities in life. But there are some many “little” risks which we completely avoid everyday just because we have the possibility of losing our most favored amenity, comfort. From having conversations with people, to learning a desired skill. We must remember that the mountain of doubt is quickly overcome by a moment of action.

Don’t Sell Yourself Short

Don’t sell yourself short this year by living a convenient and comfort centered life. The most rewarding things in life come from the risks which have no guaranteed reward. There is a mound of things trying to get you to spend yourself on them, but the things which seem to advertise the loudest are the items which hold littlest value.

The things of worth are not found sitting on a shelf, but are rather just waiting to be found. This means that it takes effort instead of income to find the invaluable things in life, which are usually a companion to happiness.

If you’re sick of all that the beaten path has to offer, then look to venture off to see what valuable things may lie in the wilderness just beside. You will be surprised what you may find just outside the clear and commonly followed path.

Risky Planning Is Worth It

Plan to step out and risk some of that comfort on the roulette of life, in hopes of feeling a little more alive in this world of just surviving. Learn from the past 365 days, and bring into the New Year the things which deserve to see the New Year, and learn from the things which you are happy to leave behind. Find what you are willing to use a little risk on and seek to experience a little more living.

Walk Out The Door

Life is not meant to be a store at which moments are bought or experienced by a monthly payment. Life was meant to be freely lived because the things in life which make you feel alive are those which hold no price tag and add no debt. But these things only come to those who are willing to leave the convenience store and search for what others are so willing to forget about. Life is for the living, not for the buying.

Life, keep it simple and live it
