Simple Contentment

In Living Life by LivingToTheUtmost

You Don’t Need To Cut Through Steel

With every commercial and media advertisement telling us that we deserve more of this and more of that. We are influenced to think that what we have is not really enough. Advertisements tell us that if the best kitchen knives you own can only cut through copper. Then you are really in need of the knife which can cut through stainless steel. You never know when you will be trying to prepare a meal with ingredients from your rock garden.

This is all too easy of a trap to fall into, and can lead to constant attempts to try and obtain anything and everything that can be found under the sun, or at least on the internet.

Contentment Is A Mindset

We must strive to be content. Not only with what we possess, but also with the circumstances which we live with each and every day. From where we work, who we hang out with, the town which we call home, and the very person who never fails to follow you to the bathroom mirror, yourself (assuming you’re not a vampire).

Every day we must try and live life in a state of contentment with life itself. Even though every area may entice us to want just a smidgen more. If you are always trying to add more to the top of your possession mound, then the things which you should be thankful for may just get lost in the mess you are making. You may never notice how great the things in the middle of the pile really are, because you can only find them when your digging for contentment.

Balance It Out

As in every area of life, there must be the proper balance in contentment. In learning to be content with our situation, we must also remember to not become too comfortable. Comfort is the close friend to complacency and complacency is what stops us from continuing the pursuit of what we are searching for in life.

At times when we find ourselves no longer trying to find the hidden gem which each day mysteriously holds. We must wake ourselves from our complacent and comfortable slumber. If we are no longer pushing ourselves to become what we want to be in life. Then we must leave our comfort, take our contentment, and press on.

Less Is Actually More

Your level of contentment will never increase as you gain more of what you desire. Instead it will decrease as you get more and more, and realize that you are not getting any happier. With the right perspective on life, when you only have a little, you will feel like you have it all. When you have much, then you will feel like you have more than you could ask for. In every moment if you find the most out of what you have, and enjoy it with an attitude of gratefulness, then happiness will quickly follow.

In life, you can only be happiest with the most, if you are able to be happiest with the least.


Life, Keep It Simple and Live It


Image Credit: Julie Falk