Just Live It

In Living Life by LivingToTheUtmost

Just Live It

The famous trademark of Nike, the ever popular shoe and apparel company, is as we all know Just Do It. This slogan probably helps more in the persuasion of the customer to purchase athletic equipment rather, than going out and using it. Going out and exercising is a good thing to do. So if those new Nike’s are still scuff free then go out and just do it. But we also could, and should follow a knock off of the motto, Just Live It.

No Preservatives, Just Fillers

Each day we find ourselves with the options of doing what we would love to do in life or doing “other” things. The “other” things in life are usually a type of filler activity which never really seems to get you anywhere. In the end they just consume what is yours. Like when you give the innocent looking vending machine your dollar and the Twix bar gets stuck right at the end. With the age of technology and media in full swing there are countless filler activities available to spend your time on. Reading this blog counts as one of them, but hopefully not altogether useless.

Walk Away From The Vending Machine

The things that make you feel a little livelier are generally harder to get started and stick with. But they are the things that make you sleep a little easier at night, knowing that a piece of your day was spent living rather than just existing. It could be continuing a project or hobby that was once enjoyed, but ended in failure or got lost among daily business. It could be simply making time for those friends who you always enjoy hanging out with but never seem to be able to fit in your schedule. Or joining a club or group of people who share a common interest of yours, where you can cultivate more valuable friendships and grow as an individual.

You’ll Find It

You may know deep down the very things that you should fill more of your time with. Or you may not know but still feel like you should do something. We each must choose to act upon this, if it is starting something again or starting the search for something. Once it is in front of you go and live it out. If you have looked before for something and still nothing comes to mind. Then just do something different today and get out of your daily habit. Simply breaking up a daily routine can help you feel like life is a little bit more exciting. When each day goes by with very little change, life can become quite mundane. Try and make a habit of changing up your day and see what happens.

“Great Memories” Is Not The Title Of  A TV Show

In life when we look back at our most memorable moments, they are usually comprised of those things which took some work to get started or plan, but leave us with a smile on our face. Even though these things require us to work harder and get out of our habits, they are more rewarding than sitting down and just letting life pass by while season after season of TV shows end. When we choose to pursue a life goal or desire it can be shrouded in possible failure, which stops many of us in our tracks. But those choices which have a higher chance of failure, also have a higher capacity for feeling more alive, which is quite rewarding.

I’ve Heard It Both Ways

All the clichés of life that we hear so often and quickly push out of mind are usually right. Most of the time we ignore these clichés because they remind us of something which is hard to bear, but a cliché is a cliché for a reason. Most likely because it is almost always 100% right. How many of the following clichés have you ever heard of?

• Every bird gets a worm eventually
• Rome was built over a holiday weekend
• Talk is not only valuable but directly exchangeable for results
• Save your best foot for later, you might need it
• Wing it and perfection is bound to happen


The following clichés might sound more familiar

• The early bird gets the worm
• Rome wasn’t built in a day
• Talk is cheap
• Put your best foot forward
• Practice makes perfect


In life we must take every day as an opportunity to live rather than just to exist. Time won’t stop for the complacent. It will just pass them by. Life will keep on keeping on no matter if you are living or just creating more carbon dioxide. Don’t just make each breath count, make it worth remembering, then you might just be living it.

Fun Fact: The word cliché is drawn from the French language where in printing a cliché was a printing plate cast from movable type also called a stereotype.


Life, keep it simple and live it



Image Credit: Carl Jones
