There Is No Replacement for You

In Living Life by LivingToTheUtmost

Replacement Syndrome

In the present day world which we live in, we are constantly replacing our dying phones, broken appliances, and “lost” socks (there has to be someone out there at the center of this monstrosity). We are accustomed to simply replace that which is outdated, unfashionable, or slow. With replacement being such a large portion of our lives, we must never forget that no matter the person, each one of us are absolutely irreplaceable.

Genuine Inspiration

There is not a single person in the whole entire universe who has the combination of your set of genes, talents, weaknesses, experiences, heartaches, joys, memories, fears, dreams, and quirks. This truth should inspire us every day to embrace who we really are and who we really want to become. This means that no matter who you are and what you face every day, that you have something important to bring to others. Yourself. We make a difference when we strive to be ourselves. Not who others want us to be. Because genuine people inspire others to be their genuine selves.

Cookie Cutter Living

Every day there are people trying to live a “genuine” lifestyle for all the wrong reasons and in all the wrong ways. They try to buy certain clothes, read certain books, watch certain TV, hangout with certain people, listen to certain music, and talk and act a certain way. If the end goal in all of these things is to fit in. Then the genuineness is far from real, which is sadly, quite ironic. The reward is so little, if this goal is actually reached. When the end goal is to make others happy about who you are, instead of yourself, then that is exactly what you are going to get.

It Is Scary Being You

We all fear letting others see who we really are, because once they see this there is nothing left for us to hide behind. When a person sees that you are not putting on a mask and trying to be someone you are not. They will also feel that they can be themselves. The key in being genuine is to be confident in who you are. If you are not questioning yourself, then others won’t either. Confidence has to be sought in our lives in order to lead ourselves, and then, maybe others will follow.

The Greatest Version Of You, Is A Version Of You

If each one of us chooses to not live out our lives as our greatest, most genuine self. Then we are simply stealing a great page from the books of history. Not just the larger version of history we all tend to think of. But the version of everyday history. The history which is remembered by those who live around us, each and every day.

To see this resulting impact. All you need to do is look at history without the lives of those who have moved us and the world, by the way they lived their lives. Where would we be if those who truly changed our lives, chose instead to try and be someone other than who they were meant to be? When each one of us lives to be who we long to be. We will soon find out. That in life’s grand puzzle, there is a place where our piece fits perfectly. That there is simply no replacement for You.

Life, keep it simple and live it
