What’s Your Prize?

In Living Life by LivingToTheUtmost

Two Ways To Spend

As a culture we spend so much time on just ourselves and what we want to do. As an outsider looking in, you would think that we would be quite happy and have less problems then we do. Simply because we spend so much time worrying about ourselves. The problematic issue is how we are self-spending.

There are two ways that you can self-spend: on pleasures or on growth. Pleasures are the basis of the consumer attitude, while growth is the basis of the character attitude. By default we fall into seeking pleasures because it is the easier of the two ways to maintain. This way might seem more beneficial in the here and now. But over time the character attitude will result in a deeper self-enjoyment.

Life Is Just A Big Chuck E. Cheese

Life is like a big Chuck E. Cheese. You can play the easy games where you are guaranteed at least a couple tickets for a try, or you can try and master the harder games, like skeeball (which is awesome! Once won a real football playing skeeball). By mastering the harder games you will gain more tickets, and in the end actually buy something sweet that won’t get thrown away or eaten. Everyone knows that the stretchy sticky hand is cool until it accumulates enough hair to resemble a wookiee hand.

In Spending Time, Your Getting Something

Every day we are self-spending in some way, even if we are unaware of it. If 24 hours have ever gone by, then it was spent on something. We should try to live each day by spending it on the things we value. If you want to start self-spending in a way that you are proud of, then it starts by being aware of each day and the very things that you value.

If you become aware of each day, then you can start to weed out the habits that you know are a waste of time. Replace them with the things that you want out of life. Each day affords us the opportunity to spend our time on certain hobbies, relationships, talents, subjects, or character traits such as patience or gratitude.

Keep Track Of Your Tickets

Start being aware of where your tickets are going and make sure that it is towards something you truly want, not what is just right in front of you at the moment. If you seek what you truly want then in the end you will be happy with the results. It could be towards watching all 456 episodes of Law and Order. Just make sure that you actually want that.

Balance Your Spending

As in all areas in life, and I mean all, balance is necessary to keep a healthy lifestyle. There are so many areas to balance in life, ranging from work to play, relationships to self-improvement. And it all must be balanced to be able to get the best in return.

It is life’s checkbook, and time is easier spent then money. We simply can’t control the spending rate, and this bank does not offer credit cards. If you want to live a great life then, you must choose to spend your time on great things. That’s the only way.

Life, keep it simple and live it


Image Credit: Leland Francisco